Immersive Childbirth Class
The Birth Collective
This one day in person childbirth prep class incorporates all you need to know and more!
From evidence based information, what to expect and how to cope with labor, baby positioning, how to create a birth plan, pain coping techniques, medication options, relationship building, hands-on coping skills, as well as a brief overview of breastfeeding, general newborn & postpartum care!
Doula Sarah's class uniquely utilizes her years & years of experience to effectively set you up for a positive & empowered birth where you are able to communicate & bond with your partner through the birth of your baby.
You'll finish this class feeling educated, skilled, empowered and
prepared for labor as well as feeling more connected to your partner!
Class Located in Tacoma, Wa.
What makes this class different?
All In Person
The birth of your baby is a transformational event... truly a once in a life time occurrence.
Sarah's in person class is going to set you up for the greatest success possible.
Virtual classes just aren't the same.
Labor Training
Being in person allows you to practice and hone in on how and when to utilize different hands on techniques and skills.
This hands-on class shows your partner how to properly offer comfort measures, teaches laboring positions, relaxation techniques and more!
Individualized Class
Classes are small, limited to just 3 couples, so you'll have a greater opportunity for individualized care and more time for your questions.
Class still focuses on late pregnancy, the stages of labor, evidence based education, common interventions & more!
With over 15 years of experience and over 700 births attended! Sarah
also has 3 children of her own, each
with uniques pregnancies and birth experiences... resulting
in a wealth of personal and
professional knowledge for you to tap into.
Partner Connection
Unique focus on how your partner and you can work together to collectively have a positive experience.
You'll practice what hands on support looks like so your partner feels supported, encouraged and knowledable in ways to support you.
Tool Kit
Everyone loves a goodie bag!
Not only will you leave your in person class feeling confident using the hands on skills and tools learned that day but you will also leave with a goodie bag of resources, tools, and items to help in late pregnancy, with labor and more!
Your Childbirth Educator
Certification, Training and Continuing Education
Doula Sarah has taught childbirth classes in group and private settings over the years, has 15 years of doula experience and is always continuing her education in the birth and baby field.
She's super friendly, entertaining, hands on, comfortable to be around, evidence based and passionate about empowering you! You will 100% have fun and learn a TON in this workshop!
DONA Professional Doula Training
ICAN Chapter Leader
Placenta Encapsulator with IPPA
Bereavement Doula
Spinning Babies Trained
Advanced VBAC training
Advanced Home Birth Training
Childbirth Educator
Multiple Breastfeeding Courses
Rebozo & TENS unit trained
Assisted Penny Simkin's Classes
Lead MBC Doula at St Joseph Hosptial
Childbirth Classes | Tacoma
The best time to take your childbirth class is between 28-34 weeks!
In Person Childbirth Class $275/Couple
Full Day In Person Class Labor Training
Create a customized birth plan
Email/Text/Marco Polo Access to Sarah
Birth resources and tool kit
Individualized Classes
Practical Coping & Labor Tools
Confidence and Evidence Based Information
Goodie Bag
HSA & FSA payment options